Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blog Reflection #2

     In SOC we have began to focus our energy surrounding the notion of "What is your WHY?"; the same idea what we have been using in softball and this has gotten a lot of attention and shifted the mindset of the members of this class. Focusing on this question enables this class to create things that we were unsure that we could create because it instills passion in us and gets us thinking about why are we doing what we are doing. why do we want to create this, why am I in this class? This focus question has pinpointed many things we have done as a class. For example, if your "WHY" is to create a closer bond between TNHS and the community you may shed light on the Bardstown Christmas Parade. The Bardstown Christmas Parade is one example of students putting their school before themselves because instead of staying inside and watching the parade on TV students came outside in the cold walked, waved, smiled, and gave candy the whole time to show the community that this is who we are at TNHS. Our WHY at that point was to show the community what we have been working towards and who we are through our actions and we succeeded. I think  participating in future community events and service projects as a whole class will continue to strengthen that bond between school and community as partners so we can collaborate with community members year round.
     The TNHS Student Organization Council became a class this year and this has allowed more time and effort to be put into projects than ever before because we meet daily for almost 5 days every week and it has shown through on our end products. SOC also partnered with New Haven and participated in the Iron Horse Festival to exemplify our care for our community and our partnership with them ended in a donation made by the New Haven community because of all the help we offered. This donation was then used to be put back in our community for the Angel Tree Project. It could have been just as easy for us to take that money and buy ourselves t-shirts or food or other luxurious things, but we chose to put it back into our community. This is the foundation of the legacy we want to create through SOC through TNHS and it is only the start. In the future I encourage all to continue to participate in whole class events; "the more the merrier" is the truth when it comes to student involvement and I think when we continue to do projects like this year round we will really show the community what our why is and fulfill our class mission: to CONNECT student organizations, CREATE a strong community, and demonstrate CARE by building a legacy for the future.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week of 2/5/18 Workout Schedule!

Wednesday 2/7 and Thursday 2/8:
3:30-4 p.m. Team Bonding (Hamilton ELL)
4-4:45 p.m. Conditioning (inside TNHS)
4:45-5:15 p.m. #WYW Quest (Hamilton ELL)

**TRYOUTS will be held on Thursday 2/15 and Friday 2/16 from 4-6 p.m. (be prepared to be in the indoor facility or outside)**